I’m borrowing from Kate Bush, whose song always comes to mind as soon as December begins. So for my first Substack in months, I’m doing this with the intention of making this December magical – which for me means getting back to what I love, walking, writing and creating new work.

You may have noticed that the last time I wrote I was in sizzling Sicily, and that was some time ago, back on the 1st September. As soon as the plane graced Gatwick ground on the 6th September I was unpacking from my holiday. I had barely finished (actually I hadn’t finished) on the following Monday 9th September, when me and my husband went to the letting agents to pick up the keys to our new flat.
And now here I am on the 2nd December, firmly ensconced in our new abode, a lovely two bedroom art deco era flat. However, I am also still trying to finish emptying my Dad’s house, garage, loft and garden of the rest of my stuff before the people who have bought it take possession sometime in January. I went from living at my Dad’s with my son for many years, to moving out in less than six weeks after probate was granted, got the house ready for sale, and it sold in a month….it has all happened so fast, a bit too fast.
Which is why I haven’t been here, haven’t been writing, and life has been hectic, stressful and emotional. I still have a to do list as long as my arm, as I had no time to organise the move, so have been downsizing from a 3 bedroom semi to a 2 bedroom flat ‘after the fact’. I would absolutely NOT recommend doing it this way, but I had no choice in the timing, so we have made the best of it.
And the best thing is that we all love where we are now living, with the River Thames a less-than ten-minute walk away and cafes and shops close by, closer to my son’s school, and feeling more connected to the world, more in the midst of it.
This year has been the saddest year with losing my dad to cancer in January, after he had lived so long and so admirably with its cruel complications and at times seemingly medieval treatments.
This year has also gone at a mile a minute what with broken wrists, a fair amount of travel and moving house. But sitting here and writing this now, this is the first time I’ve been able to focus on what’s coming next and really consider my own creative practice again. An exciting prospect, and a perfect time of year to make plans.
I feel very grateful to be sat here now in the aftermath of it all, with a cup of coffee and a moment of quiet to write - and that feeling of potential, what a gift to be grateful for.
So, my intention to make December magic again: write every day for one hour – I’ve been trying and failing due to the significant and several life changes that have been going on. You know what they say – try again, fail better.
I have been walking and even a spot of running but I am hopeful that as life continues to settle there will be more writing, more walking and soon, more workshops.
I will be running a regular writing workshop on Sunday evenings throughout 2025 - please stay tuned if you are interested in more details. I am not sure when it will begin but it will be sometime at the beginning of next year, once I have ticked off the continuing epic To Do list and said a final goodbye to my old home in Tolworth.
In the words of Vinnie Jones in Lock Stock and Two Smoking Barrels “it’s been emotional”
How will you make your December magic? I’d love to know – please drop me a line in the comments!
I know these feelings very well, Lucy. Sitting alongside you with a cup of tea, passing the pack of custard creams and will watch out for your next piece. xo
So pleased to see you back to your writing, Lucy. And I wish you all much happiness in your new home.